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EYE Program Success Stories Series - Erdoğan Kır

January 3, 2025

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) Program is an international exchange program that aims to improve the knowledge and skills of entrepreneur candidates by collaborating with experienced entrepreneurs in Europe. We share with you the success story of Erdoğan Kır, the first change entrepreneur of this program in which Ankara Development Agency is involved as an intermediary institution.

Ankara Development Agency EYE Program Success Stories Series-Erdoğan Kır

  • Name of the New Entrepreneur: Erdoğan Kır
  • Host Entrepreneur Name / Country: Alexandre COUTINHO / Portugal
  • Host Entrepreneur's Company: Associação Intercultural Para Todos

New Entrepreneur Erdoğan Kır's EYE Experience

“Give Brief Information About Your Enterprise”

“My initiative aims to develop innovative solutions that promote the conservation of water resources and the management of sustainable green spaces. My initiative, AquaWise, aims to prevent water waste by using environmentally friendly irrigation systems and alternative water sources. We offer cost-effective and environmentally friendly systems for both individual users and public institutions. Additionally, we aim to raise environmental awareness by organizing trainings and seminars that aim to raise social awareness about water saving. “Our mission is to transform green spaces into not only aesthetic but also sustainable living spaces and to become a leading brand in water saving solutions in Europe.”

“Where did you hear about the program?”

“I heard about this program from a European entrepreneur I met at a youth association meeting. He explained how he contributed to environmentally friendly and sustainable practices in his entrepreneurial adventure by participating in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program. "Impressed by this inspiring experience, I focused on the project that I had been planning to implement for a long time and started the necessary preparations for the program."

“What positive experiences have you had?”

“One of the most positive experiences I had within the scope of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program was that I had the opportunity to work directly with experts in their fields. I gained both theoretical and practical knowledge, especially about sustainable water management and environmentally friendly practices. Additionally, by collaborating with entrepreneurs from different cultures, I gained a global perspective and expanded my business network. This process increased my motivation to both develop my own initiative and produce environmentally friendly solutions. “The mentorship and support the program provided me helped me plan and implement my business strategies more effectively.”

“What did you learn from the program?”

“Thanks to this program, I gained valuable information on sustainable water management and environmentally friendly technologies. At the same time, as an entrepreneur, I learned to prepare a business plan, conduct target audience analysis and manage innovative product development processes more effectively. The program also allowed me to improve my communication and problem-solving skills by collaborating with professionals from different cultures. "In addition, I have achieved significant gains in strategies to raise environmental awareness and mobilize societies on this issue."

What kind of contributions did they make to you in your business life?

“This program improved my skills in international business networking and collaborating with different cultures. Thanks to the mentoring I received within the scope of the program, I learned to think more strategically, plan effectively and create innovative business models. I increased my professional competencies by gaining experience in areas such as project management, team coordination and customer relations. “This process allowed me to both grow my current business and create a solid foundation for my future ventures.”

“What are your suggestions and recommendations for new entrepreneurs who have not yet applied to be included in the program?”

“I recommend those who are considering participating in the program to first clarify their business ideas, determine their goals and define the areas they want to develop.  Be open to learning and embrace different perspectives throughout the program. "Do not forget the importance of establishing an international business network and consider this process as an opportunity for both professional and personal development by integrating the experiences you have gained into your business plan."

As Ankara Development Agency, we are proud to support our new entrepreneurs and entrepreneur candidates in Europe. If you want to write your own success story with the COSME EYE Program, you can click here for detailed information.