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TechAnkara Maker Program Contest

June 22, 2022

3D design and coding competition was organized by Ankara Development Agency among secondary and high school students in Ankara. Smart device design and coding training for middle and high school students was given by Bilişim Garaj via the online education platform. Applications were received from each school in teams of 3 people. At TechAnkara Maker, students were allowed to complete their education on the Information Garage Platform, which has 1000s of content in 6 categories, and to compete as a team in online competitions.

In this context, 2 separate competitions between secondary schools were held on 11-12 June 2022 and 1 competition was held between high schools on 19 June 2022. 13 teams participated in the competition held on the first day between secondary schools and 17 teams participated in the competition on the second day, and they designed and coded smart-green energy-sensitive animal farms and sustainable irrigation systems via Tinkercad software. In the competition between high schools, 7 teams participated and they designed and coded a healthy assistant application in order to take precautions against a sedentary lifestyle through the App Inventor software.The schools that won the competition, the teachers and students representing the schools are as follows.


School Name


Team Leader Teacher


Team Students

Sincan-Cumhuriyet Ortaokulu

Yasemin Doğan Albayrak

İnci Naz Türedi

Alp Cenan Bulut

Aybüke Kaplan

Kızılcahamam-Orhangazi Ortaokulu

Aslı Akkaş

Deniz İrem Yorulmaz

Halis Mutlu

İlayda Kuş

Çankaya-Cumhuriyet Fen Lisesi

Nurdan Ersin

Görkem Büyükalmus

Yiğit Can Erbudak

Beril Bera Benice

As Ankara Development Agency, it was decided to give a tablet award to the students and teachers who won the competition. The award presentation is planned to take place in July.